The Liz Wheeler Show
Politics • Culture
The Liz Wheeler Show is an unapologetic exposé on the corruption that underpins the administrative state and the so-called “experts.” Distilling the most complex issues of the day and elucidating the Left’s murky motives, Liz looks beyond policy to find solutions to our underlying problems. In each and every episode, The Liz Wheeler Show is your guide to the frontlines of the culture wars, defining the battles that will shape our nation for the next century.
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Will Trump go to prison? My prediction

I generally avoid predictions…

But here’s my prediction of what will happen in this Trump trial…

Trump will be convicted.

This is due to a biased jury & radical leftist judge. In reality he’s innocent, which is obvious from the facts of the case. But… nonetheless, he’ll be convicted.

Trump will then be the “convicted felon” that Democrats want for campaign ads.

Will Trump go to prison?

Not right away. The Democrats will use the “convicted felon” “criminal” “facing prison time” language in the lead up to the election, but they won’t dare send him to prison before Election Day because it would energize Trump’s base ten times more than the epic Trump mugshot.

The Democrats will try to cheat (again) & rig the election (again), to prevent Trump from getting to the White House. They’ll probably be successful in their cheating, due to the fact that Republicans have done nothing to counter the Democrat electioneering of 2020.

Subsequently, if Joe Biden “wins” the election, Trump most likely won’t go to prison because Democrats will be wide-eyed innocent liars when they claim “We don’t want it to appear that we’re targeting political enemies.”

But, if Trump wins because Republican voter turnout is so enormous it overcomes Democrat cheating, then Trump will be sent to prison.

When? When the radical leftist Marxist Democrats who hate our country—and us—are ready for revolution.

Because, if Trump is sent to prison—even as POTUS—it will spawn political violence. The left knows this and it’s what they want.

The Democrats will try to blame Trump supporters for the violence. But ultimately remember, it’s NOT conservatives who want violence. It’s the bloodthirsty communist left who want a “civil war.” They want unrest, riots, anarchy & violence because it will allow them to usurp our rights in the name of “safety” and “democracy” & to overthrow our system of republican government and instead impose the tyranny they admit they want.

2025 isn’t going to be pretty.

We have Islamist terrorists hidden in our cities.

We have sympathizers of genocidal terrorists marching on our college campuses (and in Congress!).

We have drug cartels operating in all 50 states whose business is the killing of our citizens with fentanyl.

Our institutions—from healthcare to education—are captured by Marxists.

Our financial system has been primed to be weaponized against us with ESG.

The value of our dollar is so fragile thanks to deliberate overspending by Biden that all of our wealth & prosperity is hanging by a thread.

And one half of the American public—who probably hate being called American—has been conditioned to hate anyone who is white, Christian, conservative, or believes in free speech. This hateful mob have proved themselves willing to burn businesses, assault law enforcement, target Trump supporters, persecute Christians, censor conservatives, and establish anarchy at the slightest emotional impetus.

This brainwashed mob now just awaits word from the Democrats to unleash violence against us—again. And this time, as recorded conversations from inside radical orgs have shown, the violence they plan will be worse than the Summer of Rage 2020.

Trump’s impending, bogus conviction is a key part of this plot. Nothing but extreme, repeated wrong deliberately inflicted by the left on the right all but ensures that some righteously angry but imprudent idiot acts out in violence if Trump is sent to prison, thereby setting the stage for the revolution the left wants.

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12 hours ago

The Gestapo are alive and well in the Democrat party. "But as Levien canvassed the area and spoke with voters, something spooky happened: A Biden campaign staffer followed him around and blocked him from speaking with certain voters.
"As I spoke to voters at a Las Vegas rally for Vice President Harris, a Nevada Biden campaign staffer followed me and twiceasked that voters end their interviews when their comments turned critical of President Biden," Levien reported. "

I get somewhat depressed about contemporary politics. It is a system of favoritism, based on political party. Also, when malfeasance evidence is reported about the insider elite, nothing happens to recover the ill-gotten gains ! To get undepressed requires using mood altering chemicals, all legal, so it is no crime to manage my body chemistry to cope. I know purists who use no drugs , but I expect there will be painful situations where drugs will be welcome temporarily.
I am cutting back on current events, besides my opinions change nothing.
I have great faith in a moral majority. Blacks have a moral majority, as do Hispanics, Whites, Asians, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindu, et cetera.
Immoral minorities get power and create extreme liberties for themselves that undermine the traditional moral order. The moral majority is not a cult allowed to abuse civil rights, but are allowed to prosecute malfeasance and non-feasance, many forms of immorality, but with due process of law.
We ...

September 23, 2022
Doctors who trans kids should be thrown in prison

Doctors who give mentally ill children dangerous puberty blocking medication & surgically remove the healthy breasts, uteruses, and penises of psychologically distressed adolescents should be thrown in prison.

It's bananas that this needs to be said. Indulge me in this thought experiment.

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